This Animated short film  was independently produced by Blender Institute using the free/open source software Blender. It was made possible thanks to the subscribers on Blender Cloud. Special thanks goes to the impressive music by Torin Borrowdale, the sfx by Sander Houtman and the render power of RenderStreet.

The llama is back, and he's got company. This 2-3 minutes short film will take place once again in the cold lands of Patagonia in South America, where the llamas struggle during winter to find food.

Final release on January 27th, 2016.

Fresh from the studio!  the Blender Institute released the trailer for a new episode of the Caminandes cartoon series [animated short film], just in time for the holidays with a special Xmas touch!

In this episode it's Winter in Patagonia. Koro the Llama meets with Oti the pesky baby penguin, both going after that last tasty berry.

Caminandes 3 (working title, 2:30 minutes) will be released on January 27th, 2016.

for watching this Animated short film [trailer] ==> :

[trailer],[trailer short film]; [trailer films]; [trailer film] ; [trailer animated]; [trailer 2016];[trailer HD]

[trailer],[trailer short film], [trailer films], [trailer film] , [trailer animated] , [trailer 2016] , [trailer HD] , amazing , amazing short film , short movie , 


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