WordPress is an extremely popular blog and website generation outlet with nearly 20 percent of websites being powered by the platform. As with any website or blog, security should be the top concern. This is especially true today as hackers become more creative at breaking into such sites and stealing sensitive information or causing considerable harm to both the site operator and its users.
In order to help combat security breaches, WordPress offers a variety of plugins to keep WordPress blogs and websites secure. Although there are quite a number of WP plugins designed with security in mind, following are a few of the top selections.
All-In-One WP Security & Firewall
Although WordPress is in and of itself a platform containing high security measures, the All-In-One WP Security plugin reinforces existing practices and offers additional measures so that the security of your site can be taken to the next level.
This plugin implements and enforces recommended WP security techniques and practices as well as checks for system vulnerabilities. A top-notch grading system is used to measure security protection which is easily set by the user for basic, intermediate, or advanced security and firewall protection.
Wordfence Security
Wordfence Security is a great WP plugin that offers a variety of protections such as anti-virus scanning, firewall, live traffic with crawlers and malicious URL scanning. It also comes with SMS Cellphone Sign-in which helps prevent brute force hacks. The Wordfence plugin is the only one from WordPress that allows users to both verify and repair their theme, core and plugin files without the need for backups.

Verelo Blog Monitoring
This is a great plugin for on-the-go bloggers. Verelo can be set to monitor your blog around the clock, protecting it from various attacks, hacks and malware infections. Not only does Verelo monitor your blog site to ensure it’s free of viruses and other malware, but it also notifies you should something require upgrading or in the event of a security risk. When Verelo detects something amiss, it notifies you by phone, email, or SMS.

BulletProof Security
The BulletProof Security plugin is essential for all WP websites and blogs. It works to protect against various hacking attempts such as SQL, RFI, Base64, CRLF, Code, XSS and CSRF Injections. BulletProof Security also offers one-click protection for install.php, bb-config.php, readme.html, php.ini, wp-config-php and php5.ini using .htaccess WordPress security. It also provides other security checks such as file and folder permissions check, security logging, website maintenance mode (http 503), DB errors off, login security and monitoring, and http error logging.

Sucuri Security – SiteCheck Malware Scanner
Another must have among WP security plugins is this one by a leader in the field, Sucuri. SiteCheck performs a number of security checks to detect spam, blacklisting, malware as well as hidden eval code, .htaccess redirects and more.
Sucuri SiteCheck alerts users to security risks as well as website errors, connection issues, disabled sites and various code anomalies.
If you have a WordPress site set up, or are considering one in the near future, be sure to protect your investment with these and other top WordPress security plugins. Keep in mind that in cyberspace an ounce of prevention can definitely save you from a pound of harm!


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