More interesting places to be visited by Google Street View

 Service panoramic images from Google Street was opened in May 2007 , and became one of the most requested features for Google Maps and Google Earth. At the beginning of the project was the Google cars equipped with panoramic cameras roam the streets of a number of American cities , to prevail after 35 countries .
More interesting places to be visited by Google Street View

However , Google Street not only depict the streets of the cities, but also depict a variety of other places interesting , many of which had difficult for tourists is simple. And here comes the modern technology to help : Panorama with wide viewing angles ( 360 degrees horizontal and 290 degrees vertical ) allow you to visit the highest peaks of the world, famous museums and a lot of exciting places T we will post them to you in this article:

Grand Canyon

A virtual tour of the Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. There is in the United States in the state of Arizona . For more information, click here

Galapagos Islands

Galapagos : a nature reserve is unique, a lot famous endemic species and the studies of Charles Darwin , which led him to develop the theory of evolution . Considered a World Heritage Site .

Niagara Falls

Falls are heavy on the Niagara River is located between the city of Niagara in upstate New York and the American Falls City in the province of Ontario, Canada

Kennedy Space Center

If you are interested in history of space exploration , you'll enjoy a virtual tour of the John F. Kennedy Space Center , located in the U.S. state of Florida . You will be able to go to places where tourists are not allowed to normally .

CERN research center

Is the largest laboratory for basic research in high energy physics at the level of the world , known as CERN ( European Council for Nuclear Research ) , located on the border between Switzerland and France.

The highest mountain in the world

Google Street View offers an impressive array of panoramic images of the highest mountain peaks in the world, including Mount Everest , Elbrus and Mount Kilimanjaro , which reaches a height of 5895 meters .

Data Center Google:

Google data center is considered a protected area tight security measures . However , Google will take you on a tour inside the data center .

Zoos and wildlife parks

Recently, Google Street appeared to review the twenty garden of zoos and wildlife parks from all over the world. Including the zoo , " San Diego " about 40 hectares , where more than 3,700 animals of rare and endangered species .

Burj Khalifa

If you suffer from acrophobia , and you often feel dizzy , I advise you to Google Street, to visit the world's tallest building , the Burj Khalifa in Dubai . Rise up 828 meters .


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