Make your search for the meaning of words more fun with the application Kikin

You must be always encountered while reading an article on the Internet terms or words are not understood, especially in a specific field, of course, the solution would be to do a search on this term on the search engines, there is one of us who would like to get search results pictures, and one of us who wants it in the form of videos or other ....

Therefore, we find the majority of these are not practical because it takes time and effort, and especially if the article contains many of the words you wish to search for them, it's best to read some complete without a complete understanding or meaning

Similarly, there are many applications for browsers in order to do the research process smoothly and comfortably guarantee you not instead of copying and pasting effort in the search engines, even without access to the new permeated

It is through my experience and found many of them in the form of add-ons for the browser Google Chrome, some are good and others not quite, but added that won the admiration dramatically is to add Kikin which allows you to create a quick search in two seconds and no more, and the results of the great (Photos, Video , Maps, Wikipedia, Google, Bing .......), without leaving the page, but more than that would be like the search for the mysterious things for you, and especially if you want to get video clips, pictures, or even maps, and many of the features it finds on your own.

All you need is to install Kikin add to your browser when you install Googlechrome Kikin you will see a message permeated by an experimental way to do a search by clicking on a word you want to search for them for two seconds without interruption, until research shows

keyword :
kikin aplication 
google search 


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