According to a confirmed report from WIRED, the world’s leading social networking website, Facebook, is developing a research lab which would be dedicated to artificial intelligence, and is hiring top researchers of the particular field.

With a post to Facebook this morning, LeCun announced that he had been tapped to run the lab, and the company confirmed the news with WIRED.

A New York University professor, Yann LeCun, confirmed that he had been hired for the project:

“Facebook has created a new research laboratory with the ambitious, long-term goal of bringing about major advances in Artificial Intelligence,” LeCun wrote.

The new movement is called ‘’deep learning’’, which was first introduced in the academic world, and now tech giants, such as Google and Facebook are working on the deep learning techniques, to build services for a more realistic interaction with the audience.

The main idea behind the concept of deep learning is to develop machines which operate almost as the human brain, unlike the conventional bots that are only programmed to perform specific functions through the help of problem solving algorithms.

Google’s PRISM is a great example, as it is being developed as a self aware search engine, with an access to infinite information across the internet. Similarly, LeCun plans to build ‘’neural networks’’ which mimic the human brain.

The founder of Google’s deep learning project, Andrew Ng said that, “Yann LeCun’s move will be an exciting step both for machine learning and for Facebook,”

“Machine learning is already used in hundreds of places throughout Facebook, ranging from photo tagging to ranking articles to your news feed. Better machine learning will be able to help improve all of these features, as well as help Facebook create new applications that none of us have dreamed of yet.”

Recently, we heard Google announce that it is working on software bots that would mimic your social presence by gaining access to all your online information – which could be something similar to what Facebook is working on, although the company has not provided any details, yet. As long as the project is aimed to enhance the user experience and not exploit the privacy, then this might revolutionize the way we socialize.


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