Pinterest is a photo-sharing website that the users can use to interact with their followers.  The website offers a social media platform where the users can create pinboards and share it with others. It provides a theme-based photo sharing system for users who can repin an image, categorize images or follow pin boards of others. The website is the brainchild of Ben Silbermann who launched it in early 2013.

Pinterest has a strong online presence and users across the globe use it to manage and share images.  The website is among the fastest growing social media network of users with over 70 million of users. This has made the Pinterest a popular name among the online businesses who can use this powerful medium to attract maximum visitors to their website. It is currently the most sought-after advertising platform for online marketers.

In this article, I will discuss the eight unique reasons why you must use Pinterest for your business.

1. Get Maximum Visitors Traffic
When it comes to driving traffic to your website, Pinterest is the strongest contenders among others. The website has the potency to generate more traffic than the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Pinterest is among the most widely-used platform and is the second leading source of referral traffic. So if you are a newbie in online business, you can use this influential social media to bring in phenomenal visitors to your website.

2. Interact With the Customers
Pinterest is among the most preferred spot for people, making it a potential space for businesses to communicate with their audience. With this social media tool, businesses can interact with their audience, engage with them on a social media activity or invite suggestions or comments that may add value in their products.

3. Promote Your Products
You can use Pinterest to market your top products. Pin images of your most valued products along with the price tag. This will feature your product in the Gift shop where potential customers may view your product. If they like your product, they may click the link and buy it.

4. Lead the Business Market
You can use Pinterest to attract users to your products. You can host a competition where you will invite users to use your pins and pin them on their own pinboards. This will provide you with the links to your website and products. Ultimately, you will be showcasing your brand in a unique way and leading the market among other competitors.

5. Get Inspired
Pinterest is a great source to get inspired for popular trends among your competitors. You can use it to get updates on latest trends and also see how businesses are advertising their brand. This will give you an idea of how the businesses are using Pinterest to advertise their products and how this enhances their sales in return.

6. Network with Your Customer Base
Pinterest is a great source for marketers and business owners to connect with their potential customers. It can easily be integrated with other popular social websites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. You can also put the Pinterest button on your own website to divert traffic to your Pinterest page. This makes it possible for you to share the images among your social media followers and customers.

7. Use It for Recruitment Activities
Pinterest could be used as a viable hub for different recruitment activities. You can use it to connect with potential employees or manage resources related with your office staff. For example, you can create a pin board where you can pin the images of the latest events, meetings and conferences of your office. In this way, you can showcase the culture of your office to the interested employees.

8. Generate InBound Links
In bound links are instrumental in diverting maximum visitors to your website. Businesses can use Pinterest to post links that users can click view your products. You can use a link in the description or the images itself to attract the visitors.

In a nutshell, Pinterest is a hotspot of various activities that businesses can benefit from. It allows you to connect with your target audience, promote your business and even understand the market trends. This in turn helps you enhance your brand visibility and expand your customer base.


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